CMC 2010 - 4th International Conference on Concept Mapping

Viña del Mar, Chile - October 5, 6, 7, 2010

Paper Preparation Guidelines

New this year, CMC 2010 paper submissions now include multiple categories: full technical papers, poster with and without paper, research roundtables, and symposiums. The purpose of having multiple categories is to encourage a diversity of presentation styles to meet the broad array of scholarly and practice interests within the concept mapping community. Each of these different types of papers is described in the formal Call for Paper. Please observe this conference is about concept mapping, so papers that are not about concept mapping will be rejected.

All papers should be presented in Spanish or English. The Proceedings of the Conference will be published as a book by the University of Chile, and therefore special attention needs to be paid to the paper formatting, particularly on the camera-ready submission. A Microsoft Word template/sample paper is available as a guideline, which must be followed closely. Papers submitted in technically unsuitable form will not be published in the Proceedings.

Full papers must have a length of up to 8 pages while poster papers should have a maximum length of 4 pages.  Symposium papers should have a maximum of 4 pages in length and research roundtables should have a maximum length of 2 pages.

The "poster" itself never needs to be submitted. Each author will bring his/her poster to the Conference. If the author is submitting a poster presentation without a paper, then only a 500 words abstract should be submitted in the proposal submission process. The 500 words abstract is all that is required.  If the poster is accepted the submitted abstract will be included in the proceedings. This pertains to both standard and electronic posters.  Abstracts for posters without a paper should be submitted by May 19, 2010 (extended deadline)

If authors are interested in submitting electronic posters, they should indicate that they are requesting an electronic poster when they submit their proposal for a poster either with or without a paper.  There will be a small number of electronic posters that will be are accepted. 

On the other hand, papers, posters (with paper), roundtable and symposium submissions consists of two stages. An initial submission for review by the Program Committee, and a camera-ready paper to be included in the conference proceedings. The initial submission should consist of the of the complete document (up to 2, 4 or 8 pages depending on the category). For example, summaries are not acceptable as submissions for the full paper category. Between the initial and final submissions authors will have the opportunity to revise their paper based on the reviewers' feedback.The dates for these stages are as follows:

Submission Deadline: Poster (with a paper), Paper, Symposium and Roundtable: May 19, 2010 (extended deadline)

Decision returned to paper Author(s): July 7, 2010 (extended deadline)

Final version of Papers: August 19, 2010 (extended deadline)

Please use the following Word documents as a guideline for your paper.  All papers, posters, symposium and roundtables use the same format, the difference is in the length of the papers submitted:

Paper sample in Word (.doc) format

Paper sample in Word template (.dot) format

In case you want to set up your own styles, details are included at the end of this page.

Submission steps:

Step 1: Initial Abstract and Paper information Submission

Step 2: Initial Paper as Word document Submission

Step 3: Final, camera-ready Paper as Word document Submission (not yet available)

Formatting Details

In case you don't want to use the Word document or template as a base, use the following to set up your styles (template's style name is in parenthesis):

Page size: Please note that the paper size is Letter (8.5 x 11 in). For Europeans, this is wider and shorter than the European Standard A4 size, which in inches is approx. 8.27 x 11.69. In Word, go to the Page Setup menu, and under Paper Size select Letter Size (8.5 x 11).

Margins: 2.54 cms (1 inch) on each of the four sides of the page. Please make sure figures are within these margins.

Page numbers: do NOT include page numbers, these will be added by the publisher.

Font: The Font throughout the document should be Times New Roman.

Font size: Except where indicated otherwise (e.g. Title), point size should be 10.

Paper Title (Title): Centered, no indentation, 10 pt, bold, all caps, spacing before: 20 pt, after: 20 pt.

Authors (Authors): Centered, no indentation, 9 pt, italic, spacing before: 3 pt, after: 12 pt. (authors are not included in this initial submission).

Abstract (Abstract): Justified, 8 pt, Times New Roman, Left Indent: 0.25 in, Right Indent: 0.25 in, Spacing before: 0 pt, after: 0 pt., Line Spacing: Single.

Level 1 Heading (Heading 1): Left alignment, Hanging indent: 0.25 in, 10 pt, bold, spacing before: 20 pt, after: 12 pt. (format: section number <tab> header)

Level 2 Heading (Heading 2): Left alignment, Hanging indent: 0.35 in, 10 pt, italic, Spacing before: 18 pt, after: 6 pt. (format: subsection number <tab> header)

Level 3 Heading (Heading 3): left alignment, Hanging indent: 0.45 in, 10 pt, Spacing before: 12 pt, after: 6 pt. (format: subsection number <tab> header)

Level 4 Heading: Left alignment, Hanging indent: 0.5in, 10 pt, Spacing before: 12 pt, after: 3 pt. (format: subsection number <tab> header)

First Paragraph after Heading (Paragraph after Heading): Times New Roman, 10 pt, Justified, Left Indent: 0, Right Indent: 0, Line Spacing: Single; Spacing before: 0pt, after: 0pt; Style for following paragraph: para.

Paragraphs (para): Times New Roman, 10 pt, Justified, Left Indent First line: 0.25in, Right Indent: 0, Line Spacing: Single; Spacing before: 0 pt, after: 0 pt; Style for following paragraph: para.

References/Bibliography (Reference): Times New Roman, 10 pt, Justified, Left Indent: 0 in, Right Indent: 0 in, Hanging Indent: 0.3 in; Line Spacing: Singe; Spacing before: 0, after: 4 pt.

Figure & Table Captions (Caption): Times New Roman, 8 pt, Centered, Spacing before: 6 pt, after: 6 pt.