CMC 2012 - 5th International Conference on Concept Mapping

Valetta, Malta - September 17-20, 2012

Paper & Poster Preparation Guidelines

Final Document Preparation Guidelines (Full Papers, Posters with Paper, Posters without Paper)

Final version deadline : July 6, 2012 (extended from June 30, 2012)

Note: One of the authors must have paid the registration by July 6, 2012 and confirmed participation in the conference by July 6, 2012, by emailing: for the paper to be published in the proceedings.

Please follow the instructions closely.

Pay attention to the recommendations made by the paper reviewers.

Three important items:

CMC 2012 paper submissions have 3 categories: full paper, poster with paper, and poster without paper, All should follow the same formatting guideline. The only difference is the maximum number of pages allowed (8 for full papers, 4 for posters with paper, 1 with abstract for posters without paper). The number of pages is restricted because of the cost of publication, and so papers which exceed the number of pages allowed will be discarded.

Please note that if you submitted a paper to the full paper category and it was accepted in the poster with paper category, you have to comply with the limit of 4 pages maximum.

All papers should be presented in Spanish or English.

All figures (e.g. concept maps) must be in the same language as the paper. If needed, a translated figure should be included besides the original figure.

Figures should, to the extent possible, be included within the text, not as appendices at the end. Make sure all figures are included and referenced properly. Even if they are at the end, figures are included in the page count limit.

Make sure that figures are legible, particularly concept maps. If they are in color, make sure they read well when printed in black and white.

References should be placed at the end of the paper, as in the sample document and template available below.

The abstract should be in the same language as the rest of the paper.

If your paper is in English, and English is not your native language, please have a fluent English speaker review the grammar and spelling. (It is always a good idea to have a colleague review your papers anyway.)

The Proceedings of the Conference will be published as a book by the University of Malta, and therefore special attention needs to be paid to the formatting. A Microsoft Word template/sample paper is available as a guideline, which must be followed closely.

Final Version Submission

The submission of for all papers is through the same Web page interface as the initial submission. If you have technical difficulties with the submission, send an email to the contact address of the conference

The document itself should be prepared as a Word (.doc) document (notice that the submission system will not allow .docx documents) following the template/sample paper available below. The document should be uploaded as a single, Word document, not as a zip file.

For this final submission, use the same email address and password that you used for the initial submission. An email will be sent to the contact author acknowledging the receipt of the submission.

Note that you can submit modified versions of the paper until the deadline.

Please use the following Word document as a guideline for your paper:

Paper sample in Word (.doc) format

Paper sample in Word template (.dot) format

In case you want to set up your own styles, details are included at the end of this page.


Submission steps:

(already completed) Step 1: Initial Abstract and Paper information Submission

(already completed ) Step 2: Initial Paper as Word document Submission

Step 3: Final, camera-ready Paper as Word document Submission

Formatting Details

In case you don't want to use the Word document or template as a base, use the following to set up your styles (template's style name is in parenthesis):

Page size: Please note that the paper size is European Standard A4 size (approx 8.27 x 11.69 in). For Americans, this is narrower and longer than the Standard Letter size, which is 8.5 x 11 in. In Word, go to the Page Setup menu, and under Paper Size select A4 Size.

Margins: 2.54 cms (1 inch) on each of the four sides of the page. Please make sure figures are within these margins.

Page numbers: do NOT include page numbers, these will be added by the publisher.

Font: The Font throughout the document should be Times New Roman.

Font size: Except where indicated otherwise (e.g. Title), point size should be 10.

Paper Title (Title): Centered, no indentation, 10 pt, bold, all caps, spacing before: 20 pt, after: 20 pt.

Authors (Authors): Centered, no indentation, 9 pt, italic, spacing before: 3 pt, after: 12 pt.

Abstract (Abstract): Justified, 8 pt, Times New Roman, Left Indent: 0.25 in, Right Indent: 0.25 in, Spacing before: 0 pt, after: 0 pt., Line Spacing: Single.

Level 1 Heading (Heading 1): Left alignment, Hanging indent: 0.25 in, 10 pt, bold, spacing before: 20 pt, after: 12 pt. (format: section number <tab> header)

Level 2 Heading (Heading 2): Left alignment, Hanging indent: 0.35 in, 10 pt, italic, Spacing before: 18 pt, after: 6 pt. (format: section number <tab> header)

Level 3 Heading (Heading 3): left alignment, Hanging indent: 0.45 in, 10 pt, Spacing before: 12 pt, after: 6 pt. (format: section number <tab> header)

Level 4 Heading: Left alignment, Hanging indent: 0.5in, 10 pt, Spacing before: 12 pt, after: 3 pt. (format: section number <tab> header)

First Paragraph after Heading (Paragraph after Heading): Times New Roman, 10 pt, Justified, Left Indent: 0, Right Indent: 0, Line Spacing: Single; Spacing before: 0pt, after: 0pt; Style for following paragraph: para.

Paragraphs (para): Times New Roman, 10 pt, Justified, Left Indent First line: 0.25in, Right Indent: 0, Line Spacing: Single; Spacing before: 0 pt, after: 0 pt; Style for following paragraph: para.

References/Bibliography (Reference): Times New Roman, 10 pt, Justified, Left Indent: 0 in, Right Indent: 0 in, Hanging Indent: 0.3 in; Line Spacing: Singe; Spacing before: 0, after: 4 pt.

Figure & Table Captions (Caption): Times New Roman, 8 pt, Centered, Spacing before: 6 pt, after: 6 pt.

Poster Preparation Guidelines

Please note that Poster authors must also submit the final version of their paper for publication in the Proceedings following the guidelines above.



Posters provide the opportunity to show your work on a one-on-one basis with interested colleagues. You want to attract and hold the attention of the passer-by, so spend time planning and preparing your poster.

Make a mock-up of your display, with typing and printing the size you intend to use. Mount it, back away about two meters and see what impression it makes. Is it easy to read from a distance of one meter?

The contents should be displayed in a logical sequence: e.g. Introduction, results, discussion and conclusions.

Material will have to be read by attendees from a distance of one meter or more. Therefore, large, bold lettering is advised. Be sure that concept maps and other illustrations are legible.

The effectiveness of a poster presentation will be enhanced by adding some color. However, the presentation needs not to be "arty". Ease of reading and good organization is more important than artistic flair.